Tabs Element in Appmint

Tabs element provides you with a convenient way to organize content into tabs, allowing visitors to navigate between different sections of a webpage easily.

What is the Tabs Element?

The Tab element is a container element that allows users to organize content into multiple tabs. Each tab represents a different section of content, such as product features, pricing plans, or service offerings.

Visitors can switch between tabs to view the content they're interested in without having to navigate away from the page.


Common Use Cases:

  • Product Comparison: Use tabs to display different product features or specifications side by side, allowing users to compare products easily.
  • Service Offerings: Organize different service offerings or packages into tabs, making it easy for visitors to explore and compare options.
  • FAQs: Use tabs to categorize frequently asked questions into different topics or categories, making it easier for visitors to find answers to their questions.
  • Team or Staff Profiles: Organize team or staff profiles into tabs based on departments or roles, allowing visitors to learn more about each team member.
  • Course or Curriculum: Use tabs to organize course content into modules or topics, making it easy for students to navigate through the course materials.

How Tabs Element Works

To add the Tabs element to your webpage:

  • Drag the Tabs element from the Preset tab under the Container section onto your canvas.


Configuring Tabs Properties

In the Properties tab of the editor panel:

  • Click on the Tabs element to select it, then click on the tune item icon to open the editor panel.
  • Select a preset layout from the dropdown menu, such as None, Horizontal, or Vertical.
  • Toggle the autoplay option to enable or disable automatic tab switching.
  • Input the autoplay interval to specify the time between tab transitions.


Adding Tabs and Content

  • Click on the plus icon to add tabs to your Tabs element.
  • Drag elements or components into each tab to populate them with content.
  • Customize each tab by selecting it and adjusting its properties in the editor panel.


Styling Tabs

  • Switch to the Style tab to customize the appearance of the Tabs element.
  • Set properties such as background color & shadow, padding, margin, border, width, height, transform, and effects.

Adding Actions and Events

  • Navigate to the Action tab to define actions, events, and event listeners for the Tabs element.
  • Configure actions to be triggered when tabs are clicked or when certain events occur.

Setting Tag Attributes

  • In the Tag Attribute tab, specify additional attributes for the Tabs element to further customize its behavior or appearance.

Whether you're building a product page, service website, or educational platform, tabs can help you present content in a structured and engaging way.

Happy building with Appmint!