Array Components

Mintflow array tools

Accessing the Sidebar Menu

After logging into AppMint Web Builder, you can access the MintFlow Sidebar Menu by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Application Dropdown:


  • Once you're logged in, locate the Application dropdown from the main dashboard.
  1. Click on the MintFlow Plus (+) Icon:

    • In the dropdown, click on the MintFlow icon (+) to open the MintFlow Designer interface.
  2. Sidebar Menu Location:

    • Once inside the MintFlow Designer, all the main controls and features are organized in the sidebar located on the left-hand side of the screen.
    • The sidebar provides quick access to all the available menu items for designing and managing your workflows.

sidebar menu

The Array dropdown contains components that allow you to manipulate data in various ways, including batching, filtering, sorting, and splitting data. Below is an explanation of the components available under the Array dropdown:

Batch Component

The Batch component allows you to group data into smaller sets based on specified conditions. This is useful when handling large datasets or when a process needs to handle data in chunks.

How to Use the Batch Component
  1. Access the Batch Component:

    • Navigate to the Array dropdown in the MintFlow Sidebar Menu and select the Batch component.
  2. Drag the Batch Component into the Workflow:

    • Drag and drop the Batch component into the flow designer area.
  3. Configure the Batch Component:

    • Click on the Expand icon to open the configuration panel.
    • Group By: Choose whether to group the data by Count or Interval.
      • Count: Groups the data into batches based on the number of items.
      • Interval: Groups the data into batches based on a time interval.
    • Set Threshold: Enter a value for the batch size (if grouped by count) or the interval time (if grouped by interval).
Example Use Case

To process data in groups of 100 items:

  • Drag the Batch component into the flow.
  • Set Group By to Count and enter 100 as the threshold.

Filter Component

The Filter component allows you to filter data based on specific conditions, providing flexibility in narrowing down datasets.

How to Use the Filter Component
  1. Access the Filter Component:

    • In the Array dropdown, select the Filter component.
  2. Drag the Filter Component into the Workflow:

    • Drag and drop the Filter component into the flow designer.
  3. Configure the Filter Component:

    • Click the Expand icon to open the filter configuration.
    • Join: Select whether the conditions should be joined using OR or AND logic.
    • Filters Source: Choose the source of the filters:
      • Data: The filters apply to data and are not extended to other components in the workflow.
      • Flow: The filters extend to other components in the workflow.
    • Source Field: Specify the field you want to apply the filter to.
    • Operator: Set the comparison operator (e.g., equals, less than, greater than).
    • Source Value: Enter the value to compare against the source field.
    • Add More Filters: You can add more filters by clicking the + icon below the filter values.
Example Use Case

To filter a dataset where age is greater than 30:

  • Drag the Filter component into the flow.
  • Set the Source Field to "age", the Operator to ">", and the Source Value to "30".
  • Use AND or OR logic depending on your requirements.

Sort Component

The Sort component allows you to sort a dataset based on specified fields in either ascending or descending order.

How to Use the Sort Component
  1. Access the Sort Component:

    • In the Array dropdown, locate the Sort component.
  2. Drag the Sort Component into the Workflow:

    • Drag and drop the Sort component into the flow designer.
  3. Configure the Sort Component:

    • Click the Expand icon to open the configuration panel.
    • Set Fields: Enter the fields that you want to sort the data by.
    • Set Direction: Choose the sort direction, either Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc).
Example Use Case

To sort a dataset by the "name" field in ascending order:

  • Drag the Sort component into the flow.
  • Set the Field to "name" and the Direction to asc.

Split Component

The Split component allows you to divide a string or dataset into smaller parts based on a specified separator. This is useful for breaking down complex data into manageable pieces.

How to Use the Split Component
  1. Access the Split Component:

    • In the Array dropdown, select the Split component.
  2. Drag the Split Component into the Workflow:

    • Drag and drop the Split component into the flow designer.
  3. Configure the Split Component:

    • Click the Expand icon to open the configuration panel.
    • Set Separator: Enter the separator that will be used to split the data (e.g., comma, space, or custom characters).
Example Use Case

To split a string of text by commas:

  • Drag the Split component into the flow.
  • Set the Separator to a comma (",").