Adding Customer Data in Appmint


Adding customer data in Appmint is a straightforward process that helps you manage your client information efficiently. Follow the steps below to add new customer details.

Customers data

Steps to Add Customer Data

  1. Login to Appmint:
    After logging into your Appmint account, you will be directed to the main dashboard.

  2. Open the CRM Dropdown:
    Click on the CRM dropdown in the left sidebar.

  3. Access the Customer Interface:

    • Locate the Customers tab/link and click on the plus sign in front of the Customers text.
      Customers Plus Sign
    • Alternatively, click on the Customers link and then click on the plus icon at the top of the new interface.
      Customers Plus Icon
  4. Customer Modal:
    A modal will pop up with the following tabs: Profile, Address, Phones, Subscription, and History.

  5. Entering Profile Information:
    Within the Profile tab, input the following details:

    • Image: Upload a profile image.
    • Username: Enter the customer's username.
    • Email: Enter the customer's email address.
    • Phone: Enter the customer's phone number.
    • First Name: Enter the customer's first name.
    • Last Name: Enter the customer's last name.
    • Timezone: Select the customer's timezone.
    • Language: Choose the customer's preferred language.

    Customer Profile

  6. Click on the Save button

NB: You can add more details to the customer's data by clicking on the following tabs at the top of the modal, Address, Phone, Subscriptions and History

Conclusion: This guide will help you add and manage customer data in Appmint, ensuring that all necessary information is properly recorded and accessible.