Utilizing Ticketing Functionality in Appmint

Introduction to Appmint Tickets

Appmint’s ticketing functionality is designed to efficiently manage and track support requests, issues, and tasks. This feature streamlines your workflow by enabling you to create, track, and resolve tickets directly within the platform.

Customers data

NB: Before diving into ticket management, ensure you're familiar with the basics of the Appmint platform. Visit our documentation on getting started with Appmint 101 (link) and creating a new page on Appmint (link).

1. Accessing the Tickets Feature

To access the tickets interface:

  1. Login to Appmint: After logging into your Appmint account, you will be directed to the main dashboard.

  2. Open the Tickets Interface:

    a. Click on the CRM dropdown in the left sidebar.

    b. Navigate to Tickets. This will open the tickets interface as a modal.

    Tickets Interface

2. The Tickets Interface

The tickets interface features the following tabs at the top-right of the modal:

Tickets Tabs

  • Ticket: View and manage individual tickets.
  • Tickets: Access the list of all tickets.
  • Save: Save the current ticket or configuration.
  • New: Create a new ticket.

3. Creating a Ticket

Ticket Fill

To create a new ticket:

  1. Click on the Ticket tab or the New tab to start entering ticket details.

  2. Select View Template:

    • Choose TICKET from the dropdown.
  3. Ticket Details:

    • Name: Enter a name for the ticket using the Name input.
    • Status: Select the current status from the dropdown. Options include none, new, open, pending, in progress, blocked, done, or canceled.
    • Title: Enter a descriptive title for the ticket using the Title input.
    • Description: Provide a detailed description in the Text Area.
    • Attach File: Click the File Picker button to add any relevant files.
    • Priority: Choose a priority level from the dropdown. Options include none, low, medium, high, or urgent.
    • Severity: Select the severity of the issue from the dropdown. Options include none, minor, major, critical, or catastrophic.
    • Channel: Specify the channel related to the ticket from the dropdown. Options include none, web, phone, chat, mobile, API, or other.
    • Assign To: Select a user from the email list to assign the ticket to.
    • Assign By: Enter the name of the person assigning the task (this could be you).
    • Assignment: Choose an assignment from the dropdown.
  4. Save the Ticket:

    • To save the ticket, click the Save button at the top-right of the modal. This will store your ticket details and updates.

    Save Ticket

4. Viewing All Tickets

To view all tickets:

  1. Click on the Tickets tab at the top-right of the modal. This will display a list of all tickets, including their statuses and other relevant details.

    View All Tickets

5. Creating a New Ticket

To create a new ticket:

  1. Click the New button at the top-right of the modal. This will open a form where you can enter details for a new ticket.

    New Ticket

This guide should help you effectively use the ticketing functionality in Appmint to manage your support requests and tasks.